Best Dissertation Topics 2020: Fresh Ideas For Various Fields
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Students spend an unexpected amount of time coming up with a PhD dissertation topic. In most cases, they can’t even
anticipate how long it takes and how hard it can be to find a dissertation inspiration. If they pick a dull topic or
one that is hard to research, they end up struggling with all parts that follow. That is, unless they hire dissertation writing services to assist them. But, if you
want to write an excellent thesis and have fun in the process, you definitely need to learn how to come up with a
dissertation topic.
How to Choose a Dissertation Topic?
In case you don’t know where to start with your paper, we have a short list of guides on how you can choose the best
thesis topics:
- Read your thesis’ requirements carefully. A lot about your thesis can be learned from the instructions provided
by your school. In some cases, the only restrictions are in terms of word count and timeframe. But, many
universities these days provide very specific guidelines about choosing master thesis topics.
- Choose a specific area/ field of research. Brainstorm a little. Your dissertation will take a lot of your time
and effort, and you’ll have to write numerous dissertation chapters to complete
it. So, choose a field of research that you are interested and familiar with.
- Check out some sample dissertations. When you know what you want to write about, check some articles and
journals to get an inspiration. This will help you narrow down the idea.
- Pick a research type. Consider the methods of data collection and your approach toward analyzing that data.
What are Some Good Dissertation Topics?
There are many interesting topics for all dissertation subjects and fields. What you choose will determine how you
spend the following weeks and months, and how engaging your paper will be in the end. If you get stuck, you can
always request some dissertation help, but
even then, you should make sure to pick an excellent and insightful topic.
What are the best topics for thesis? This is a question that many students ask. The answer depends on what you study,
what you prefer, and how much access you have to research. In the end, it should come down to what you want to
research. Even so, there are some dissertation topic ideas that are very popular with students.
Dissertation Topics in Business
The world of business is more promising than ever, which is why many students opt for this type of studies. The
topics that follow cover a wide range of subjects within this discipline, and will allow you to create an original
dissertation from your point of view.
- Strategies of small businesses and how they are adjusted to globalization
- Exploring cultural changes: How important is feedback in a multinational/ international company?
- Performance of business teams in multinational corporations
- Human resource strategies and management in non-profit business organizations
- The effects of Corporate Governance over globalisation, internationalisation, and company performance
- The different patterns of government and business relations and how they affect the industrial upgrading
- Impact of organizational culture and leadership on how decisions are made for a business
- Roles of foreign direct investment in developing countries’ businesses
- Macroeconomic factors and how they affect exchange rates
- Benefits and risks of International Joint Revenue
Business Management Dissertation Topics
If you need some topics that are oriented toward business management instead of general business topics and ideas,
there are excellent examples of dissertation topics we have come up with. The following dissertation titles fully
explore the fields of management in small and big businesses.
- Managing a business that employs the millennial and/or X generation
- Factors that influence the integration of technology in the SCM sector
- How BAE Systems achieves strategies through people management practices
- Different models of Strategic Human Resource Management and how they affect the business
- Effects of the Brexit decision on UK-based companies management of EU operational sites
- Emotion management in business: a success or a failure?
- Gender equality across businesses – what management approach supports females in masculine businesses?
- Socio-cultural context in management and how it moderates the leadership relationships
- Outsourcing as a business practice
- How employee benefits affect the productivity of the employees and the business
Dissertation Topics in Management
Management is quite the thrilling subject to study. But, this also means that when you need to choose ms thesis
topics, you’ll have an endless list of choices to pick from. Here are some dissertation topic suggestions for
management students.
- The influence of mentoring on the success of an individual in terms of their career
- Modern workplaces vs. working remotely
- The effects of reward systems on the performance of employees
- What management models are present in the tourism industry?
- Business management vs. family-owned business management
- How client relationships are managed in the financial sectors
- Unconventional strategies that have had an unexpected positive effect on employee performance
- Ways that HR policies influence the satisfaction/ dissatisfaction of employees
- Comparing autocratic and democratic leadership
- Ways that political risks influence the emergency management
Dissertation Topics in Finance
Are you studying finance? This is a broad topic and there are many dissertation ideas that you’ll come up with when
you plan your thesis. To help you out and inspire you, we’ve come up with 10 sample dissertation topics in the
finance field.
- How informational technology influences the modern banking systems
- Credit programs’ influence on the growth of small businesses
- Making financial decisions in business: how the business size affects these
- Outcome and concepts of Management Audit
- How the financial crisis affected Dubai’s real estate/ home ownership in the UK
- Increase of hedge funds and their impact on the economy
- Financial risks that a modern business faces today
- The impact of EU Trade Tariffs on third world countries
- FDI’s role in enhancing the financial development in third world countries
- The role of the World Bank in economy on international level
Financial Risk Management Dissertation Topics
With an interesting dissertation topics example, you can get some motivation and modify the topic to be narrower and
more to your taste. Here are some ideas for financial risk management dissertations.
- Work hazards, employee health, and occupational safety
- Working to reduce risks: ISO 31000
- Effective ways to protect your assets in a small business
- Financial accounting to prepare for natural disasters
- How to prevent work hazards: training that works
- Ways to group individuals and determine the risk pool in a company
- Risk management tools for tourism/ food industry
- How to prevent financial disasters due to security breaches
- High risk investments: more profitable or not?
- Risks related to real estate investments

Law Dissertation Topics
Law students do not have it easy. They have to use highly advanced language in their papers, have wide knowledge of
different laws, and be argumentative and persuasive. Choosing the right topic can help the process a lot. Here are
some ideas you might like.
- Same-sex marriage legalization and benefits that come from it
- Legal issues concerning child labour in Third World Countries
- Assisted suicide for a terminal patient: should it be legal or not?
- Ways to prevent marriages without consent
- The thin line between punishing a child and child abuse
- Legal actions regarding privacy on the Web
- Prisoners’ right to vote: right or not?
- Legislation of immigrants and refugees
- Restrictions in the freedom of speech and privacy rights in the media and the press
- How the country deals with poverty and homeless people
Dissertation Topics on Online Marketing
Online marketing has become a rather separated branch than regular marketing. The online world requests unique
approaches that aren’t used anywhere else. This leaves you a lot of room for research and many topic choices. Here
are some good ideas:
- Conventional media channels vs. social media channels for marketing
- Adverse effects of online advertising and marketing on adolescents
- Pop-up advertisements today: effective or not?
- Social media’s effect on customer behaviour
- How the Internet affects the behaviour of consumers
- Influencers and celebrities and their impact on online marketing
- Rise of new technologies and how they help modern businesses
- Landing pages and their effects on marketing
- Customers’ psychology, its analysis, and the role it has in digital marketing
- Most common mistakes with e-mail marketing today
Dissertation Topics in Education
Once you’re done with your education, you can use what you learned to teach others. If this is your dream, you have
chosen a rewarding career path. But first, you need to establish yourself as an expert in the field, which begins
with a top-notch dissertation. Here is what you can write about:
- Educational games and their ability to boost the learning of students
- Inclusive education in my country and how it is implemented
- Autonomous learning in the classroom/ in my country
- Traditional education vs. online education for young learners
- Factors that influence young learners to continue their education after high school
- Reasons why students opt for studying abroad and benefits of these decisions
- The role of homework and coursework in the education of students
- Integrating technology into the curriculum: why and how?
- Adult learning capabilities vs. young student learning capabilities
- Informal learning through social media and other technology-based channels
Dissertation Topics in Educational Leadership
In education, you need to be a leader to make people follow and learn. Educational leadership is what creates and
effective learning environment and methods applied in the same. If you struggle with finding the perfect topic, here
are some ideas for you:
- Influence and effects of education leadership on today’s society
- The role of education leadership on literature and researches
- Including the community in education leadership: how and why?
- Women’s role in education leadership
- Diluting racist behaviour and habits in academic institutions
- Helping dyslexic students develop compassionately
- Technology and its effect on educational leadership
- Is poor education leadership related to poor school results for students?
- How culture impacts the running of schools today
- The fight for leadership positions among employers at an educational institution
Dissertation Topics in Sociology
Sociology makes for a thrilling subject to study. You are exploring the sociology of people and the society as a
whole. Narrowing down a fun and insightful topic can be hard, so here are some examples for inspiration.
- Aging of the population and how this affects the economy
- Domestic violence against children: social contexts
- What factors contribute to racial inequality in the workplace/ in educational institutions
- Modern ways to communicate and their social context/ significance
- Critiques of Foucault of social institutions
- Crime conduction and alcohol abuse: what’s the connection?
- Single parents: how does this affect the family’s quality of life?
- Breakthroughs in women empowerment in Saudi Arabia in the past decade
- How adoption influences the parents-child relationship
- Emu culture and its link to suicide rates in high school institutions
Psychology Dissertation Topics
Exploring the human mind and behaviour is not an easy task. Researching and writing about it is definitely not
simple. But, if you choose a topic you are interested in and can explore, this can truly make you a better person.
We have some ideas for psychology topics you should read about.
- ‘Price ending’ tricks and their effect on customers
- How mindfulness practices influence the student and his learning abilities
- Gender issues and global gender inequality: how do individuals deal with it?
- Ways that the prefrontal cortex makes people human
- Animal therapy and its effect on PTSD patients
- Social intuitionist model and its relation to reason, emotions, and moral judgement
- Anxiety and emotional disorders and their connection to impaired social cognition
- The multi-dimensional nature in schizophrenic patients
- Correlation between neurotic expectations, fears, pain, and disappointment
- Play-based therapy and its effect on traumatic children
Dissertation Topics in English Literature
English literature is impressive, to say the least. If you’ve studied it, you have sure encountered many things you’d
like to explore further. But, how to choose? We hope that these topics will give you a bit of inspiration.
- How digital media impacts modern English literature
- Online writing and reading and its role in literacy practices of students today
- Ruskin Bond critical analysis: how his work contributed toward modern literature
- Children literature and how it represents diversity
- Racial discrimination in the book ‘The Cat in the Hat’
- Regionalism and nationalism in Walter Scott’s novels
- The theatre in the nineteenth century and women theatre managers
- Victorian Age English writers and their ‘new women’ concept
- Portrayal of fathers in modern literature
- The role a writer has in their own stories
Children’s Literature Dissertation Topics
Children literature is very different from traditional literature. It has a huge impact on the development of young
minds, and exploring such topics can provide you with excellent insight into how people learn from young age. Here
are some ideas we came up with:
- Using literature to shape children’s minds
- Epic children’s novels before 2000
- Searching for Utopia in Island Stories for children
- Visionary insights in the work of Stevenson: Discovering Wonderland for children
- Animals and their role in children’s literature
- Humour and its effect on children in literature
- Hans Christian Anderson, fairytales, and their impact on young readers
- Illustration in children’s literature
- Origins of children’s literature and the progress throughout the years
- Reading to the youngest: developing relationships and imaginations
Wrapping Up
Are you still struggling with finding the perfect topic for your thesis or dissertation? Do not despair. Researching
for a topic and a dissertation is challenging and frustrating, but we can help out. Our company assists students in
finding topics, writing thesis proposals, crafting an entire dissertation or an individual chapter, and even editing
of your ready work. Just press “Order” button and we’ll help you out!